- All classes in academic year 2024/25 are stationary.
- Immunology seminars: 9.30 - 11.00: Wednesdays at Grucy Hall (Orthopedic and Traumatology Department); Thursdays at Gluziński Hall (Department of Radiology).
- Attendance at all seminars is mandatory and will be verified by checking the attendance list. In exceptional situations, a student who was absent from a seminar on a given topic and is on sick leave for that time must pass the seminar orally or in writing to his/her assistant. In case of any absences which were not passed student will not be admitted to the exam.
- All materials from the course (in the form of presentations) are be available on the e-learning platform:
- Please check if you have access to the platform and our course. In case of problems, please contact the Education Quality and Innovation Office.
- Immunology exam: 24.06.2025, 10.00-12.00, Hall A, MUW Didactic Centre
- Correction exam: 2.09.2025, 10.00-12.00
- Head of Department: prof. Leszek Pączek
- Didactic coordinator: dr hab. Beata Kaleta
Below we present a detailed schedule of classes.